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Fertility Blood Tests

Female Fertility Blood Test

Whether you're thinking of trying for a baby or are struggling to conceive, our Female Fertility Blood Test is designed to give you the answers you need to better understand your reproductive health. Get the insights you need to make informed decisions about your fertility.



Female Hormone Imbalance Blood Test

Our Female Hormone Imbalance Blood Test checks 11 key biomarkers related to hormone imbalance or thyroid problems that may cause symptoms such as fatigue, weight gain, acne, or irregular periods. It can also help you check if your hormone levels are affecting your fertility and monitor your hormone levels when using hormone replacement therapy (HRT).



Progesterone Blood Test

Our Progesterone Blood Test is a reliable way to confirm ovulation, taken on day 21 of your menstrual cycle. For a more comprehensive understanding of your hormone network, we recommend our advanced female hormone test, MyFORM.



Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) Blood Test

If you're experiencing symptoms of polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), our PCOS blood test can help you get the answers you need. This comprehensive test checks your testosterone levels and other markers of potential underlying causes, as well as your risk for developing heart disease and type-2 diabetes.



MyFORM Female Hormone Mapping

MyFORM Female Hormone Mapping is a groundbreaking blood test that enables women to gain a better understanding of their hormones throughout their menstrual cycle. By testing all four key hormones and using advanced mathematical modelling, we can identify your unique hormone pattern, making it easier to improve your wellbeing. 

To do this, we only need 2 blood samples taken on day 14 and day 21 of your menstrual cycle, and the process is super easy.



AMH (Anti-Mullerian Hormone) Test

Our AMH test is a reliable way to check your ovarian reserve, making it a valuable marker for those considering starting a family later in life or undergoing fertility treatments like IVF.



Pregnancy Nutrition Blood Test

Our Pregnancy Nutrition Blood Test is designed to ensure that you and your growing baby are getting all the necessary nutrients for a healthy pregnancy. The test checks your iron, folate, vitamin B12, vitamin D, and haemoglobin levels to ensure that your diet is providing everything you need.



Oestradiol Blood Test

Our Oestradiol Blood Test is a reliable and convenient way to monitor your oestrogen levels. It's perfect for anyone who wants to keep track of their hormone levels.




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