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SIBO Testing


Welcome to the world of Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth (SIBO), a condition that can significantly impact digestive health. Lets delve into the importance of SIBO, the consequences of its imbalance, and explore the differences between glucose and lactulose SIBO tests.

SIBO occurs when there's an overgrowth of bacteria in the small intestine, leading to a range of digestive symptoms such as bloating, gas, abdominal pain, diarrhoea, and malabsorption of nutrients. This imbalance can disrupt normal gastrointestinal function and impact overall well-being, underscoring the importance of identifying and addressing SIBO-related issues.

When bacteria proliferate in the small intestine, they ferment carbohydrates, producing excess gas and causing gastrointestinal symptoms. Chronic SIBO can lead to malabsorption of important nutrients, weight loss, nutritional deficiencies, and systemic inflammation. Recognizing the consequences of SIBO imbalance is crucial for effective management and restoring digestive health.

Testing for SIBO is recommended for individuals experiencing persistent gastrointestinal symptoms, such as bloating, gas, abdominal pain, diarrhoea, or unexplained weight loss. Additionally, those with conditions predisposing them to SIBO, such as intestinal motility disorders, anatomical abnormalities, or a history of gastrointestinal surgeries, may benefit from testing. Consulting with a healthcare provider can help determine if SIBO testing is appropriate for your specific situation.

Two primary methods used to diagnose SIBO are the glucose and lactulose breath tests. While both tests involve measuring hydrogen and methane gas levels in breath samples, they differ in their approach and diagnostic capabilities.


Glucose SIBO Test:
In the glucose SIBO test, patients consume a solution containing glucose, a simple sugar. Elevated hydrogen or methane levels in breath samples indicate bacterial fermentation of glucose in the small intestine, suggesting SIBO. This test primarily assesses for bacterial overgrowth in the early portion of the small intestine.


Lactulose SIBO Test:
The lactulose SIBO test involves ingesting a solution containing lactulose, a non-absorbable sugar that reaches the distal portion of the small intestine intact. Lactulose's slower digestion allows for a more comprehensive assessment of bacterial overgrowth throughout the small intestine. Elevated hydrogen or methane levels indicate SIBO, providing valuable insights into bacterial colonization in the entire small intestine.


For best results, and to reduce the likelihood of a false-negative result, it is advised to do both Glucose and Lactulose tests.


Biomarkers tested:

  • Hydrogen (H2)

  • Methane (Ch4)

  • Combined H2 and CH4


Learn more at SIBO Breath Test (Lactulose) From Invivo Healthcare | 5 Day Turnaround


Price - £165 per test

Sample type- Breath

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