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Hormone Blood Tests

MyFORM Perimenopause Test

Understand if the symptoms you're experiencing could be due to perimenopause with our ground-breaking hormone mapping test, MyFORM® Perimenopause Test. This test is perfect for women who are not on hormonal contraception or HRT. We test all four key hormones in your menstrual cycle and use sophisticated mathematical modelling to map how these hormones fluctuate across your entire menstrual cycle. MyFORM® is the only blood test in the UK that can identify your unique hormone pattern, making it revolutionary. With only two blood samples taken on day 14 and day 21 of your menstrual cycle, the process is super easy. 



MyFORM Female Hormone Mapping

MyFORM Female Hormone Mapping is a groundbreaking blood test that enables women to gain a better understanding of their hormones throughout their menstrual cycle. By testing all four key hormones and using advanced mathematical modelling, we can identify your unique hormone pattern, making it easier to improve your wellbeing. 

To do this, we only need 2 blood samples taken on day 14 and day 21 of your menstrual cycle, and the process is super easy.



Thyroid Blood Test

Our thyroid blood test checks the levels of hormones that can indicate whether your thyroid is functioning properly. This test is essential to identify any thyroid issue that can affect your mood, energy, weight, sleep, and muscle function. This test checks your T3, T4 and Thyroid Stimulating Hormone.



Oestradiol Blood Test

Our Oestradiol Blood Test is a reliable and convenient way to monitor your oestrogen levels. It's perfect for anyone who wants to keep track of their hormone levels.



AMH (Anti-Mullerian Hormone) Test

Our AMH test is a reliable way to check your ovarian reserve, making it a valuable marker for those considering starting a family later in life or undergoing fertility treatments like IVF.



Menopause Health Blood Test

Our Menopausal Health Blood Test is a comprehensive health check-up designed for women who have reached or are post-menopause. It assesses key areas of your health, including heart and bone health, as well as hormone levels that may be affecting your mood, sleep, and energy.



Male Hormones Blood Test

Our Male Hormones Blood Test is designed to check testosterone levels and other hormones that affect them. This test can help identify the root cause of low energy, mood changes, and loss of sex drive.



Advanced Thyroid Function Blood Test

Check your thyroid function with our at-home blood test. Our advanced thyroid blood test checks 5 key markers, including TSH, T3, T4, Thyroglobulin Antibodies and Thyroid Peroxidase Antibodies to help determine how your thyroid is functioning. If you’re experiencing symptoms of an underactive or overactive thyroid, such as a sudden change in weight, mood changes, difficulty sleeping or muscle weakness, this test is for you.



Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) Blood Test

If you're experiencing symptoms of polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), our PCOS blood test can help you get the answers you need. This comprehensive test checks your testosterone levels and other markers of potential underlying causes, as well as your risk for developing heart disease and type-2 diabetes.



Progesterone Blood Test

Our Progesterone Blood Test is a reliable way to confirm ovulation, taken on day 21 of your menstrual cycle. For a more comprehensive understanding of your hormone network, we recommend our advanced female hormone test, MyFORM.



Female Hormone Imbalance Blood Test

Our Female Hormone Imbalance Blood Test checks 11 key biomarkers related to hormone imbalance or thyroid problems that may cause symptoms such as fatigue, weight gain, acne, or irregular periods. It can also help you check if your hormone levels are affecting your fertility and monitor your hormone levels when using hormone replacement therapy (HRT).



Testosterone Blood Test

Get a comprehensive understanding of your testosterone levels with our Testosterone Blood Test. Our test will help you identify any imbalances that could be affecting your muscle strength, energy, libido, and mood.



Female Fertility Blood Test

Our Female Fertility Blood Test is a simple and affordable way to understand your fertility. Whether you're planning to start a family or struggling to conceive, this test checks key hormones related to fertility and your ovarian reserve, helping you figure out why you're having difficulty getting pregnant or plan for the future. For a more in-depth view, you can use our innovative hormone mapping product, MyFORM.



Cortisol Blood Test

Our cortisol blood test is designed to identify high levels of cortisol in your body, which could be contributing to symptoms such as constant tiredness, mood changes, poor sleep, and frequent illness. If you're experiencing any of these symptoms, our test can help you determine if stress is the underlying cause.




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